The Sauna Wholeness Experience Event


When one is introduced to the Sauna Wholeness Experience for the first time, usually, the first question that arises is: What does meditation have to do with the sauna or vice versa?

Well, we could say, a lot. Much more than we used to think.
Resting is an important and mandatory part of the Sauna bathing protocol. During this time, after hot and cold exposure, we are overflowed with all kinds of body-made chemicals (hormones and other chemicals), and consequently, sensations inside the body. It is almost as if we feel all this fluid, these juices of life, flowing within each of our trillion of cells. Many describe this phase as the best part of the sauna session when they can "sail" within their mind and be in some kind of meditative state. So, perhaps we could use these moments more profoundly and explore those sensations more mindfully, with meditation. After all,...

-The aim of the sauna is a deep cleansing of the body and to make it more resilient to the stress.

-The aim of the meditation is a deep cleansing of the mind and to make it more resilient to the stress.

- If it's true that the body and the mind "is one", then, the sauna also cleans the mind, and meditation cleans the body.

Time is a precious commodity. A wise person makes the best use of it.

In other words...

The stuff that’s going on in your body can dramatically influence what is going in your brain and what's going on in your head affects every single part of your body. This means a healthier body enables cleaner thoughts and vice versa. The Sauna Wholeness Experience Event aims to explain what is going on in your body and mind during sauna bathing and meditation, and to demonstrate and experience the path to a healthier and happier life.


When one is introduced to the Sauna Wholeness Experience for the first time, usually, the first question that arises is: What does meditation have to do with the sauna or vice versa?

Well, we could say, a lot. Much more than we used to think.
Resting is an important and mandatory part of the Sauna bathing protocol. During this time, after hot and cold exposure, we are overflowed with all kinds of body-made chemicals (hormones and other chemicals), and consequently, sensations inside the body. It is almost as if we feel all this fluid, these juices of life, flowing within each of our trillion of cells. Many describe this phase as the best part of the sauna session when they can "sail" within their mind and be in some kind of meditative state. So, perhaps we could use these moments more profoundly and explore those sensations more mindfully, with meditation. After all,...

-The aim of the sauna is a deep cleansing of the body and to make it more resilient to the stress.

-The aim of the meditation is a deep cleansing of the mind and to make it more resilient to the stress.

- If it's true that the body and the mind "is one", then, the sauna also cleans the mind, and meditation cleans the body.

Time is a precious commodity. A wise person makes the best use of it.


In other words...

The stuff that’s going on in your body can dramatically influence what is going in your brain and what's going on in your head affects every single part of your body. This means a healthier body enables cleaner thoughts and vice versa. The Sauna Wholeness Experience Event aims to explain what is going on in your body and mind during sauna bathing and meditation, and to demonstrate and experience the path to a healthier and happier life.


The SWE event is a sophisticated and unique presentation of the power of Sauna and Meditation for our health and wellbeing. Divided into two parts, starting with a keynote presentation continues with practical experience inside the Spa.


Duration: 3,5 hours (1+2,5)

Demonstrator: SWE Instructor

Based on [three + one] equally important pillars...


As the name suggests, the sauna, with its hot temperature is the first of four equally important pillars of the Sauna Wholeness Experience (SWE).
The second pillar is a cold therapy or the cooling down phase. The least popular among beginners, yet very important for overall effect. With a gradual approach, it becomes more pleasant over time.

The third pillar
of the SWE is Meditation - an active form of the resting phase of the SWE protocol and probably the most demanding tasks for our brain.


Thesaunacold therapymeditationeffects

Deep relaxation and better sleep

More efficient detoxification

Muscle gain and fat loss

Improved insulin sensitivity/reduced insulin resist.

Healthier skin and faster skin rejuvenation

Strengthening the immune system

Arthritic and other chronic pain relief

Improved endurance and faster athletic recovery

Increased cardiovascular health

Brain and mind health

Extend longevity, slower ageing


Increasing mental ability (focusing, memorizing, noticing…)

Increasing emotional well-being (become a better person, non-judgemental, more patient, generous, …)

Healthier body (improves the immune system, reduce blood pressure and inflammation,…)

Increases: Innovation, Charisma, Leadership, Productivity, Memory, Attention, Learning, Relationship satisfaction, Self-esteem, Positive effect on…Vision, Hearing, Weight loss, Neonatal health, Longevity

Decreases: Burnout, Prejudice, Stress, Alcoholism, ADHD, Pain


The fourth pillar of the SWE is knowledge. Knowing/understanding is important. It is a necessary tool for the proper implementation of the protocol and great motivator. We provide a carefully prepared presentation about the power of the heat, cold and meditation on the human body and the mind, based on ancient wisdom supported by contemporary science.

The SWE Event program


The SWE Event is divided into two sections. 1] Keynote presentation - Discussion about the theoretical basis and rationale for the sauna bathing and meditation. 2] Demonstration and practice - Demonstration and practising the technique.


The SWE combines two ancient health-promoting methods, the sauna bathing and meditation into the whole. At first glance so different, yet by in-depth understanding and experience, the connections become utterly natural and self-evident. They support and enhance each other. This presentation reveals the bodily characteristic and mechanisms which makes both methods so effective. We discuss...

1. Basic facts about sauna...
2. Biological phenomena "responsible" for sauna benefits...
3. Bodily and cellular response to heat stress...
4. Bodily response to cold stress...
5. Meditation and Mindfulness as an active form of resting...
6. Understanding the brain...
7. Effects of the sauna and meditation from the science perspective...

...and a bunch of other interesting stuff.


Here you will learn to use the sauna properly. To start modestly and gradually progress until the maximum effectiveness. To the point of understanding, mastering and enjoyment the sauna and its benefits. Including how to overcome the anxiety of fast cooling and other little secrets of sauna bathing. You will also learn how to calm and sharpen the mind by focusing on the natural breath and experience of the guided Mindfulness Meditation.


  • Sauna  *( 3 - 10 min )
  • Cooling phase ( 0,5 - 2 min )
  • Meditation **( 15 min )


  • Sauna  *( 5 - 15 min )
  • Cooling phase ( 1- 3 min )
  • Meditation ( 15 min )


  • Sauna  *( 10 - 20 min )
  • Cooling phase ( 1- 3 min )
  • Meditation ( 15 min )

Fourth round

  • Guided meditation ( 30 min )


* Sauna bathing will be performed three times with an intermediate phase of cooling and meditation. There isn't a fixed time. Duration stays inside the sauna depend on personal preference and experience. You will be instructed about it.

**During the resting phase, a guided meditation will be provided. 
Meditation is not mandatory but highly recommended in order to benefit from all the positive effects that the Sauna Wholeness Experience brings.

Important rules and requirements


As you may notice, the workshop schedule is quite intense. In order to make the most of the time available, some requirements and rules must be followed.


Entrance to the hall will be open until the official start according to the schedule. After the SWE Event begins, entry is no longer possible. The Spa demonstration and experience starts 15 minutes after the keynote presentation.

Noble silence

During the meditation, noble silence is required. Noble Silence means silence of body, speech, and mind. Any form of communication with a fellow participant, whether by gestures, sign language, written notes, etc., is not allowed.

Participants may, however, speak with the demonstrator when is scheduled. But even these contacts should be kept to a minimum.
Participants should cultivate the feeling that they are working in isolation - It helps you and others to be more concentrated.


The sauna bathing is a stress to the body. Sauna bathing is not recommended in case of any acute health issue (fever, cold, open wound, etc.). The participant is obligated to inform the instructor in the case of a chronic health condition.

Food, drinks

Eating is not permitted at the SWE event. Soft drinks, preferably water, are allowed.


Please check the dress code of the particular Spa where the workshop is organised. Usually, it is suggested to bring the swimwear and slippers.

Intoxicants,drugs, tobacco

No drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other intoxicants are allowed; this also applies to tranquillizers, sleeping pills, and all other sedatives. Those taking medicines or drugs on a doctor's prescription should notify the instructor. 

Phones, Recording Devices and Cameras

Mobile phones or any other equipment for capturing an image or sound are not permitted. 

Reading and Writing

No reading or writing materials should be brought to the course. Participants should not distract themselves by taking notes. The restriction on reading and writing is to emphasize the strictly practical nature of this meditation.

Who this Event is for:


The SWE Event is for those who want to learn about and understand the human body and the mind concerning the sauna and meditation or experience something new. It is highly recommended for those who want to take full advantage of the power of those ancient practices and taste the path to health and happiness. This event can be a first but significant step. All big things start small!

How much does it cost?


The price depends on the location of the SWE Event. Please check the availability and price by clicking the "EXPERIENCE IT" button below.

The meditation technique


Not all meditation techniques have the same aims nor effects. We are discussing and practice based upon the specific mindfulness meditation technique, known as Vipassana. Vipassana means to see things as they are. Relatively rare, universal and non-sectarian type of meditation that aims to cleanse the mind and change the old habit patterns of the mind to be more open, aware, mindful and happy. Reducing stress, better focus and attention, greater efficiency, and other benefits attributed to meditation are the desired side effects. For more information about the meditation please check here.

Q & A

May I attend only the presentation?

Of course, but please have in mind that that the rules and requirements are in place for both parts.

Additional question?


Ask us anything

If you have any additional question, please do not hesitate to ask.